How We Help Gastronomers
More happy customers means more revenue and more returning customers. This is what traubenliebe does for you. With a focus of making wine shine in your restaurant. Entice your customers into the exciting world of wine resulting in additional revenue and happy returning customers with the traubenliebe easy select wine concept.
As a gastronomer you face many challenges. spend a lot of time on the concept and execution of your gastronomic vision.
The Easy select Wine Concept
Most restaurants offer only a menu and a wine list. This is not enough! Not all establishments have a sommelier and most service staff are not wine specialists. Even when if a sommelier and the wine know-how is available... the customer is often intimidated by wine; an intimidated customer is an unhappy customer and will not purchase!
You have invested time, money, heart, blood, sweat and tears without a doubt to get your restaurant to the highest level. Wine and food pairing can be a challenge for both a tasting and commercial perspective. The Traubenliebe Easy Select wine concept improves the bottom line and delivers satisfied happy and returning customers. This is where we help you!
With the Traubenliebe Easy Select wine concept we enable your customers, service staff to select wines with ease. We prepare your wine offering. Enabling wine novices and professionals to select wines to their taste with ease. We help you plan menus focused on exciting wine adventures for your custmers resulting in more revevue opportunities.
Either paired to your food or visa versa. We help you source exciting wines for your gastronomic concept and your bottomline.
An important source of revenue is wine. It can make and break your business model. If you make the wrong choices wine can tie up a lot of capital in cellar. Let us help you reduce the capital risk by choosing the right wines for your gastronomic concept.
A Concept that Wins
Customer and food wine pairing are a difficult challenge: From light foods such as salads, vegetables, white fish, dishes that have a lot of herbs and spices you will find that light, elegant and fresh wines pair better with these dishes. On the hand heavier and bigger flavours like for example steak, rustic dishes require very often full bodied wines with tannins to break and complement the food. Sauces are a key component for many dishes and these influence the choice of wine as well. Sauces can be creamy, fresh, spicy etc. Wine and food pairing has more dimensions than short introduction above. This covers only the food angle.
What about the right wines for your customers?
It is important to make this process as elegant and easy for the guest as possible. We will assist you offer the best possible wine experience in your restaurant whilst keeping business objectives in mind and find the right wines for your customers.
With our unique pairing and matching-system we make it easy as 1,2,3 for the guest to match the right wine to the food they have chosen from your menu. You will see your wine revenue increase as well as happy satisfied customers returning to your restaurant and less “zombie bottles” in your cellar. Wine needs to live and move from the cellar to the customer quickly.
For All Types of Gastronomy
Wheter you own a family restaurant, large gastronomic establishment or a gourmet temple. A good customer understanding and a well executed wine concept are a win for both you and your customers. At Traubenliebe we help you to entice customers with your gastronomic vision, we help finetuning this vision when required. Why? Because food and wine are our passion without compromise! Good gastronomy at all levels needs to have a heart and a soul.When required we train your staff and increase the profitability, presentation and calculation of the food you are serving to your customers. Secret shopper/guest visits are often used to benchmark the current experience and can be repeated when required.
Example Approach:
A normal local restaurant of moderate size with a nice well cooked down to earth menu. But has issues increasing revenue with wine and food. Below indicative steps of the approach. This can be executed within 3 - 4 weeks pending complexity and availability of resources and information.
1Review the current menu, wine offering and how service is delivered. Look which dishes and wines are performing. Which ones need to go or re-branding to increase customer uptake of the gastronomic portfolio
2Due diligence with staff, management and ideally a customer sample. How are we approaching wine right now? How is wine lived in the restaurant. How does the customer feel about the wine on offer. How is wine calculated and how do rate in a benchmark with similar restaurants national and international.
3Wine and customer & menu matching. This is important. Know your customers and know what they like to eat and drink. Review this with service and all customer interacting staff.
4Train staff. Teach your staff the wine list. Explain in 20 seconds why a wine is a good match. How do you read the customer. Understand and see the potential wine in your restaurant.
5Implement new concept. Implement the menu, wine list and communication plan. Both offline and onlien. Spread the word about your delightful gastronomic creations and how exciting your new and improved approach to wine is. Good food and wine need a good story. We are your storyteller.
6Review concept and adjust after customer, staff and management feedback. Track the implementation of the plan and concept. Adjust if the desired result is not achieved. Important is too set revenue and customer satisfaction markers to ensure your restaurant is on track.
Find and Deliver Your Wines
We have excellent connections to wineries around the world. This network enables us to offer you bottles direct from the producers thus delivering bottles with the best possible quality and origin tractability. All bottles offered are reviewed and published on & and many are featured on our YouTube channel. This provides complete wine experience transparency for you and your clients.
Events To Remember
Yes we organise events as well! We put your culinary creations in a beautiful and exciting environment. A good event convinces with glamour and that “special” feeling for you and your customers. On that basis we organise your event to ensure your guests will have in their memory for a long time. We offer a moderation service for your events in the following languages:
- English
- German
- Dutch
- French
- Other languages available on request
More information about events can be found here.
Contact us today to discuss your particular wishes and see how we can enhance the gastronomic experience for your customers and help you reach your objectives.