Lingue di Suocera - Crispy flat bread Go Italy

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These are crispy and amazing and super easy to make. A little prep and ready to enjoy! Ratio:

Ingredients quick pickle

  • 300 Gram Flour
  • 150 gram cold water
  • 60 Ml Olive oil
  • 5 grams salt
  • To taste Fresh herbs finely chopped (rosemany, thymian etc.) or a mix of spices or just salt



    1mix ingredients (First mix dry ingredients, then add water kneed for 5 mminutes and finally the olive oil, kneed for another 5 minutes. Leave for 20 - 60 minutes. Devide in 6 portions. Roll very thin as thin as you can 2 mm. Prick with a fork all over. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes

On a cooling rack let it cool and leave for around an hour

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