Scandinavian Broccoli Salmon Soup

Leider gibt es noch keine Übersetzung - Unfortunately there is no translation available at the moment.

<p>Influenced by finnish salmon soup called "LOHIKEITTO". This is my twist on the classic. Hyvää ruokahalua!</p>
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<ul class="gkBullet2">
<li>1 Kg brocolli</li>
<li>2 large 90% boiled potatoes with the skin on. Cooled down and chopped in cubes</li>
<li>1.5 liter fish stock or 2 liter for a bigger pot.</li>
<li>50 cl full fat milk</li>
<li>3 Tbspn of fresh dill tops or 2 Tbspn dried dill tips.</li>
<li>1 onion finely diced</li>
<li>1 package of pepper cream cheese.</li>
<li>150 grams wild smoked salmon or 150 grams of poched wild salmon</li>
<li>1 Bunch of dill to decorate</li>
<p class="numblocks num-1"><span>1</span>Cook the potatoes and broccoli together in a top for 15 - 20 minutes in the fish stock. Take out the potatoes let them cool down. Add the dill. Get a blender and blend the broccoli until you have soup with no broccoli pieces left and cook for another 15 minutes.</p>
<p class="numblocks num-1"><span>2</span>In the mean time fry the onion gently until light brown and soft.</p>
<p class="numblocks num-1"><span>3</span>Add milk to the soup. Chop the potatoe and add the cubes to the soup. Put on a low heat.</p>
<p class="numblocks num-1"><span>4</span>Taste and add salt if needed. Becarecful as the salmon will add some satliness as well.</p>
<p class="numblocks num-1"><span>5</span>Plate up and add some pices of salmon on top of the soup with a dollop of pepper cream cheese</p>


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