The Perfect French Press

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How to make excellent perfect french press coffee.

Read the instructions and do not affraid to experiment and add your own twist!


  • Good quality coffee. I like to use espresso coffee alot. Good results have been achieved with Malongo pure Arabica Italien taste french coffee. Enusre you have a medium grind just a little less fine than the grind for filter coffee.
  • Milk and Sugar if you wish.
This method of making coffee works with the oils in the beans delivering a wonderful smooth texture in your mouth. If you heat the water too much you loose this wonderful tactile coffee sensation. I like 82 degrees. Get a water boiler that let's you set the temperature. If you have one that only can be set to 80, 85, 90 etc. Just add some cold water to reduce the temperature. Use a cooking thermometer to measure the correct temperature.

    1Boil the water to 82 degrees celcius for the best result.

    2Add for each cup of coffee 1.2 scoops of coffee or around 7.50 - 8 grams of coffee per 250 ml. Add 2 cm of water to the coffee. And gently swirl the frenchpress for 30 seconds to ensure the coffee infuses the water for 3 - 4 minutes

    3Now add the rest of the water keeping the amount of the coffee and cups + size of your frenchpress in mind wait 2 minutes

Enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee. If you use milk warm the milk a little to avoid serving the coffee too cold.

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