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Leider gibt es noch keine Übersetzung - Unfortunately there is no translation available at the moment.

One of the key components of my BB a recipe coming soon.

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Leider gibt es noch keine Übersetzung - Unfortunately there is no translation available at the moment.

He loves these doggy bites :). Healthy and delicious. Biggest fluffball in the world!

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Leider gibt es noch keine Übersetzung - Unfortunately there is no translation available at the moment.

An Italian classic. Easy to make difficult to master. Make a day in advance.

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Leider gibt es noch keine Übersetzung - Unfortunately there is no translation available at the moment.

A few hints and tips to get started this post will be expanded as time goes on. In general for fermentation use a 2.5% salt lake on average. Clean you vegetables with running water. Do not kill al the bacteria. For fermented garlic or chili take 3% salt lake. Sea salt is preferred. Work clean and use boiling water to disinfect and gloves. Avoid contamination. The same for the pickly. Use glas weights. Check for contaminations and scoop these of when white. If a severe faul smell disregard the batch for that jar. Takes around 2 weeks to get a nice fermentation taste after a few days until you have the tardness you like. Sauerkraut takes around a month. Once ok then store in the fridge and consume in approx. one month. Check for health of the fermentation before eating.

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