Pongal - Ain't it brilliant

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One of these wonderful things for breakfast, lunch whenever.

Read the instructions and do not affraid to experiment and add your own twist!


  • 200 grams of long grain rice
  • 200 grams of lentils any type will do
  • 2 - 3 cm of grated ginger
  • 0.5 tspn whole cumin is prefered or alternatively cumin powder
  • pinch Asafoetida(dried latex exuded from the rhizome or tap root of several species of Ferula) or hing
  • 0.5 tspn green or black pepper corns fresh if you have them
  • 1 Tbspn of ghee or more if you want
  • pinch of tumeric or haldi
  • Optional: roasted cashew nuts around 10


    1Dry roast the lentils until they smell nice

    2Add lentils and rice to a cooker and wash thoroughly.

    3Add 80 CL of water and some salt. Cook until the rise is soft. Mash up a little to get a more creamy texture.

    4Heat the ghee and add the cashews until golden and set aside if you did not roast them.

    5Add cumin and pepper corns, after a minute a the ginger, tumeric and asafoetida

If you want you can add some honey. Or some chili sauce or enjoy this plain. Great on it's own or as a side dish with a dahl!


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