Pesto Genoese DOC

Leider gibt es noch keine Übersetzung - Unfortunately there is no translation available at the moment.

Oh Genoa I love you. This recipe reminds me of a wonderful trip to one of my favorite cities.


    • 8 bunches of Genoese basil (Normal Basil is ok but not as intense as Genoese basil has a more concentrated flavor because of the small leaves
    • 4 cloves of garlic
    • 60 grams of pine seeds (ideally italian)
    • 75 grams grated 18 - 24 month Parmesan cheese (The older the more intense)
    • 45 grams grated Sardinian Pecorino cheese (The older the more intense). If you can not get this use Parmesan, Asiago or Spanish Manchego in equal parts.
    • 12 cl of fresh tasting italian cold pressed virgin olive oil
    • Coarse sea salt to taste


    1Wash and dry the basil leaves (Do not use the stems), being careful not to crush them

    2Crush the garlic in a mortar using a pestle reducing it to a pulp and do the same with the pine nuts.

    3Add the basil and salt and keep crushing (no stamping) until the mixture is smooth

    4Mix the cheeses and the salt and dilute slowly with the oil whilst stirring in the grated cheeses. And p(r)esto your pesto is ready to enjoy

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